
swift kick in the butt

Get Out!!

Ha! Take that! I don't have any friends. Thought you were one, didn't you? Well, now you know. So go away, cause I'll never put you in this part of my page. Low life, lazy, loafing bums. Wouldn't write one line of HTML yourself, but you think I should write pages of it for and about you. You must be outta your ever-lovin' frickin gourd!

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What is this?

Well, I've had a few friends through the days, some better than others. And this is where you get to find out about them all. If your wondering whether or not you should be in my friends section, the answer is yes. Who the hell else would even be looking here? So send me a paragraph or two, and a picture or graphic, and I'll post it here. I'll add people on my own (in no particular order), but you might not like what I have to say. So it's in your best interest to write something yourself. And check back often, all these entries are subject to change as I remember (or am reminded) of better stories and things to say!

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Andrew S. Faraca

My boy Drew, we friends from high school when I first moved to Georgia. For some reason he tought that he would join the Air Farce instead of the glorious Corps, but what can I say, nobody is perfect! And then after that when finally I came back to Georgia after my days in Hawaii Drew hooked me up with a crappy job with Accessable. Now we're business partners and the Faraca and Acklen Computer Consulting Corporation is on it's way to the top.
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Mike Johnson

I don't know how he always seemed to do it, but this bum could sweet talk the ladies in ways I'd never seen. He could talk to anyone on a whim, and generally hook up. But unfortunately the poor bastard could hang on to a phone number to save his life. He met his uber chic at the Hard Rock Cafe in Chicago and even went on a date with her to the top of the sears tower (sleepless in Chicago?) but then lost her number!! Go figure. Oh well. Mike's got a pretty solid head on his shoulders and a mind for investing and real estate.
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to be replaced with a picture of david lee roth

Brook N. Mooney

The man, the pimp, the player. Brook has had the dubious honor of being my friend and roommate for the last two years or so. He's been a good friend even though he was constantly bringing home ho's, hookers, and whores (no he never actually paid for sex while in the U.S.). But that's O.K., my futon was always there for him when he needed to knock the bottom outta some young girl. And now even after the Marine Corps we're still living in the same house. Go figure.
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Rachel Rudick

Little miss rr has been a good friend since the first day I saw her so many years ago. She is such a nice, sweet, and beautiful girl. But do not be fooled by this woman. Beneath her sweet, southern bell charm lies a vicious, man-eating beast of a woman. She's broken the hearts of more poor and unsuspecting suiters than any other. Fiona Apple says it best, "...when a girl will break a boy just because she can". At least Fiona Apple knows that it's Criminal.
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Mathew E. Callaghan

"My granddaddy was a pimp. My daddy was a pimp. And I am a pimp. P-I-M-P, pimp, but you can call me daddy." Can you believe that scraggly a** mother f*cker actually said that to a girl and she didn't slap him? Well that's Matt for you. He also happens to be Brook's best friend. He's a good guy though. And just like Brook there was nothing that he couldn't stand more than having to wait for me to get ready.
[Scraggly's page] [Send him e-mail] [Scraggly's favorite sites]

Scott A. Stark

WHO'S YOUR DADDY? - ScOtTsO is!!! I've changed quite a bit since most of my friends in Hawaii last saw me. I think that I'm a friendly guy with a very charismatic personality. I get along with most people, except in extreme circumstances. The Marine Corps was one of them. I was a shitty Marine but a good tech. Now that I'm out, I'm just a normal guy and a good tech. I'm into my beer, computers, HAM radio, my bass, and girls. Did I mention BEER???
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picture of scott
to be replaced with a picture of eddie hascle

Thomas J. McGuire

Known as Cody Blake to the ladies, Johnny to the big girls, Tom to his friends, and Eddie Haskell to parents. You should see how this guy operates, it's hilarious. He's always busy with a T-5 or T-6 and occasionally he hooks up an HJ-11, so he is definitely the man to know.
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Johnny D. Smith

These days it's JohnnySir. Though he used to be one of the few, the proud, he is now one of the slimy and nasty. Not only did he desert his enlisted ranks by getting meritoriously commisioned as an officer in the U.S.M.C., but to add insult to injury he became a nasty winger. Just so he could fly around in F/A-18 Hornets and get paid more money. What a sell out. And this from a guy who was making out with Teshia while wearing leather pants and the Dungeon (S&M club). My how people change. He is however still in love with Dominique. I wonder what she would think if she knew what you were up to now!
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picture of johnny
Superman Logo

Mike Crinigan

The shortest guy I know. Crinigan was one of my roommates from the Corps. He was always up to no good. And he certainly didn't take sh*t off of anyone. The poor bastard was going bald at 24 and drinking like a true alcoholic. He could drink twice his weight in liquor and triple it as he puked it back up all through the night.
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David T. Lu

David, best friend of my Georgia days. I have no idea what he's up to since I left Georgia though. David is the only person I know that could score an 800 on the math portion of an SAT and get a 300 on the english at the same time. Just goes to show that math is a universal language and english as a fourth language will hurt you on an SAT. David will no doubt go on to replace Bill Gates as the head of the computer world and richest man alive. I don't know how he'll do it, but I know he certainly can.
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Computer Guy
Question mark (to be replaced with something meaningfull)

Amy Boone

Binky. She always sort of thought of me as a little brother. And I always thought of her as my mom away from home. She even has the same birthday as my mommy. She is one of the very few and pround Women Marines. And she gives them a good name. Able to out run (and generally outperfom) most male Marines, she does her best to end the old biases of women in the Marine Corps. It's that whole thing about a women has to do twice as much to be thought half as good. And most people think she's better than most male Marinesm, if that gives you any idea of how good she really is.
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Michael Swisher

Swishdish. Living proof that man can live on tequilla alone. Swish's current dreams inclued starting his one computer business, of which I'm sure he will be more than successful. And his nighmare, I'm certain, is of prohibiton coming back into law. I really feel bad about what I did to swish. The one night I finally got him to go out to a club I ended up getting him into trouble. Sorry about that Swish.
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Question mark (to be replaced with something meaningfull)
drama thing

Christopher Chadwick

Chris one one of two class clowns in my MOS school. We had such grand plans to rot away together on Okinowa upon graduation. But then someone told me that they had one (and only one) position available in Hawaii. Well that was the last time I saw Chadwick. He is always trying to learn new a language. Dino says this is so he can tell jokes to more people. But he's a fun lovable guy, and very funny too.
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Denise Cooper

Denise said it best when she said of B the J, "he's a little, little man". But she is superwoman and wife extrodinaire. How she does all that she does, I simple do not know, but wow. And the best of all she actually writes fresh, new and personal headers to her e-mail when she has something to forward. If that alone doesn't make her the coolest chic I know I don't know what could. Thank you Denise.
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Woman Thinking
Question mark (to be replaced with something meaningfull)

Thomas Strouse

The only friend from my MOS school that I got to hang out with in the fleet. Tom was a cool guy (even though he was a nasty winger) that was willing to share what he had. I had some cool experiences with Tom. He took me rock climbing for the first time in Hawaii. He also made me go to the Pajama party at Creekside, a will never forget that. If Tom knows anything it's how to party.
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Kevin S. Crockett

Married life didn't change Kevin at all... well except that he stopped playing rugby and hanging out and drinking beer and.... well, you get the picture. But that's ok, Kevin's awesome and so is his wife. And together they make awesome lasagne. He also happens to be the only person in the Marine Corps that I could talk to about speach (NFL).
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Question mark (to be replaced with something meaningfull)

Dionisio Cooper

Dino as he is better known, is an absolute riot. He's always got funny stories to tell. Unfortuneitley most of them are about him. But that's good, he's not afraid to laugh at himself, and that's something the rest of the world could sure stand to learn. Dino is always been a good guy, ready to help whenever he can. I was always surprised by his patience in dealing with B the J. Granted Dino doesn't feel quite as strongly about him as I do, but just know that he shares in some of the hatred that I have, makes him a better, more understanding friend.
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Robin Crockett

Robin is a pretty cool chick. She, along with Kevin, is responsible for the best lasagne that I've ever had. She's also not afraid to say "jimmy you" if you deserve it. With that and her love for the letter X in the french alphabet she's a pretty memorable character.
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Drama Mask

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